from Darknet – The Darkside
Usage: subbrute.exe [options] target
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SUBS, --subs=SUBS (optional) list of subdomains, default = 'names.txt'
(optional) A list of DNS resolvers, if this list is
empty it will OS's internal resolver default =
-f FILTER, --filter_subs=FILTER
(optional) A file containing unorganized domain names
which will be filtered into a list of subdomains
sorted by frequency. This was used to build
-t TARGETS, --targets_file=TARGETS
(optional) A file containing a newline delimited list
of domains to brute force.
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
(optional) Output to file
-a, -A (optional) Print all IPv4 addresses for sub domains
(default = off).
--type=TYPE (optional) Print all reponses for an arbitrary DNS
record type (CNAME, AAAA, TXT, SOA, MX...)
(optional) Number of lookup theads to run. default =
-v, --verbose (optional) Print debug information.